Applying for Season Two

Welcome to Season Two of Ask Again Later!

Applications for Season Two will be very similar to the process for Season One, which is detailed in our character creation guide.

In addition, we won’t be scheduling mass information sessions for this season, and will instead set up one-on-one or smaller group meetings around your availability. We’re very open to meeting remotely via Google Hangouts, at our favorite game store in Evanston, or at another location that works for you. These sessions will be no more than two hours long and exist to get you up-to-speed with our game and understand our application process. In our recent player survey, most current players reported finding these info sessions helpful and that they made the process seem less overwhelming. Due to vacations and conventions for our storyteller team, we ask that you contact us no later than Saturday, August 19th about setting up a time to meet.

As a reminder, we require that players plan to attend at least two of the three games.